Players: 4-8
Ages: 8+
50 Cards, Die, Electronic Timer, 8 Pencils and Pad of Sketchy Paper
Create drawings that match those of your partner.
• Place the Cards, Die and the Electronic Timer where all can easily reach them.
• Get a piece of scratch paper to keep each player’s individual score.
• Everyone should take a pencil and a piece of paper from the pad of Sketchy paper.
• Everyone should choose a partner. ln the event of an odd number of players, the additional
player spins the timer, rolls the die and reads the catagory.
• Pick a player to take a card, roll the die, and read aloud the category matching the
number rolled.
• At the same time, another player starts the electronic timer by pressing the center button.
• Everyone begins to draw things that fit the called out category, one drawing in each box
on the left side of the Sketchy paper.
• You may not use numbers or letters in any drawing.
• No peeking and guard your drawings from the view of other players.
• Keep drawing items until you’ve filled all seven rows of your paper, or until time’s up.
• lf you’re in the middle of a drawing when time runs out, stop drawing immediately.
• When your finished drawing, write (with words) what was drawn in the right
column, next to the drawing.
• Then, fold the right column with your written answers under, so they are hidden.
• Start the timer again.
• Partners compare drawings with each other. Discuss each drawing, but do not say what
each drawing is. Partners try to determine if they think they have any drawings that match.
• lf partners think they have a match, write in the small empty circle, the number of the
partner’s drawing that is believed to be a match.
• Place an X in the circle for any drawings that don’t match.
• When finished determining matches, or when time runs, out unfold each paper and reveal
the written answers.
• Tally the score for that round.
• For each correct match score 2 points.
• For each incorrect match you lose 1 point.
• Write the score for each match or mistaken match in the score box in the description column.
• Any drawings that you crossed off with an X don’t count either way.
• Tally the scores for each player on the scratch paper.
• Look at everyone else’s funny drawings.
• Never mix old and new batteries (replace all batteries at the same
• Do not mix alkaline, standard (carbon-zinc), or rechargeable
(nickel-cadmium) batteries.
• Always replace all batteries at the same time.
• Alkaline batteries are recommended for best performance.
• Rechargeable batteries are to be removed from the toy/game
before being recharged.
• Rechargeable batteries are only to be recharged under adult
• Non-rechargeable batteries are not to be recharged.
• Do not mix different types of batteries.
• Only batteries of the same or equivalent type as recommended
are to be used.
• Batteries are to be inserted with correct polarity.
• Exhausted batteries are to be removed from the toy.
• Supply terminals are not to be short-circuited.
• Dispose of batteries safely (Do not dispose of batteries in fire,
batteries may explode or leak).
Each player chooses a different partner, take a new
piece of Sketchy Paper, and play the same as before.
After 3 rounds the player with the highest
score wins! ln the case of a tie the player or team
with the most correctly matched drawings wins!
©2007 Fundex Games, Ltd. • P.O. Box 421309 • Indianapolis, IN 46242
1.800.486.9787 • email
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